Why I ride

If you are a biker you most likely know the feeling I’m about to describe. If you aren’t… I’ll do my best. The exact feelings of the freedom and exhilaration you find on two wheels, to me, is not comparable to anything else.

For someone who has always struggled with a mind that can’t shut off. Riding was the first place I found a sense of calm where all thoughts just washed away. I’ve never achieved this with anything else but a motorcycle for me is the best form of finding peace and a raw sense of freedom. I felt this for the first time on my first tour a few months after I started riding. Passing through the mountains on the A82 in the Highlands of Scotland just brought on this most surreal moment. I’d completed this exact route 6 months earlier in a car and it was nothing in comparison to how it felt riding along this route on my motorcycle. Even if it was a 125cc with L plates and maxing out at 60mph on a good day. I don’t think I’d ever experienced pure joy until this moment. It’s completely different experience to driving a car. I’ve endured more than my fair share of road trips. But in a car, for me a road trip was always about the destination, I hated the long drives of being stuck in a vehicle for miles and miles on end. This was not true on a bike. For me a road trip on a motorcycle is about the journey rather than the destination. I loved riding. I already knew this. But this was the moment I knew that this was now an important part of my life. I’d fallen in love with two wheels and there was no going back. The exhilaration you have going through bends, the scenery, the smells, all of it is almost beyond comprehension. It made me feel alive in a way I’d never felt before. I constantly chase this feeling. Whether it’s here in the UK or travelling across Europe. I’ll travel the world chasing this feeling even if it’s just to relive it for one minute.


Learning to Ride


NC500 on a 125cc with L-plates… What’s your Excuse?